Cast Bios - Dir

Dir, Ice Man

Dir is shy and more than happy to let those around him take care of the details. We haven't heard much from Dir since the Digital Desert cycle, in which he adopted photography as a hobby to take his mind off the heat, sand, and every other little bit that makes the desert so lovable. Apparently, the scenery of the Search Engine Sea and the peaceful ambiance are too much for the Ice Rockman to resist.

Likes: Cement mixers, fossils, crushing things, and stone tumblers.
Dislikes: Plastic flamingos, incense, and geologists.

Non-Essential NM Stats:
Rage: (70) Tranquil
Mindfulness: (58) Mindful
Intelligence: (58) Clever
Friendliness: (28) Antagonistic
Courage: (58) Bold

76% Crystal Gauntlet Est. Damage in Combat:
14% Shrug Off The Pain Est. Raise in Attributes:
10% Mighty Crunch Est. Damage in Combat