Week #:19

Being week 5 of Dark Half.

In which the truth is revealed, an escape is found, and the darkness closes. For now ....

Have you had you recommended daily allowance of Nemesis today?Scene 1, Week 18:
Leaving it to chance
The Void; Where time is immaterial.

<Pidedis> So... Where do we go from here?

<What Yet May Be> I don't know..

<Wyran> I think Pidedis was right. We're trying too hard.

<What Yet May Be> Then what are we supposed to do? Wing it?

<Wyran> These things have a way of resolving themselves...

<What Yet May Be> So we're just supposed to let it run its course?

<Wyran>It's worth a try.
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Lerris' Tent; Late Morning.

<Hunter Lerris> ::snorts awake:: Wha... What time is it? ::pokes his head outside the tent:: Light! It's really late! Why did they let me sleep in so late? I think I can rule out a sudden streak of kindness.

It suddenly gets dark, as if the sun is behind the clouds. Lerris looks up. <Hunter Lerris> Hey! A meteor! Cool. I wonder if it's too late to make a wish.......
The Void; Where time is immaterial.

<Pidedis;> Alright. What in Odin's name happened this time?

<Wyran> I'm not sure.

<What Yet May Be> I can. Nemesis came screaming out of the sky and squished Lerris flat.

Stunned silence.

<Pidedis> Well.. That kills that theory.

<What Yet May Be> It's an all time record. He didn't even make it to lunch.

<Wyran> Poor Lerris. He died hungry.

<What Yet May Be> Hungry? He gets pulverized in record time and all you can think is that he died hungry ?

<Wyran> Okay, okay. So I was wrong. What do we do about it?

<What Yet May Be> ... I have a plan.

<Pidedis> Alright. What's our latest hare brained scheme?

<What Yet May Be> Remember Leandr's crystal?

<Pidedis> The one Lerris has under lock and key in a lead box guarded by a bunch of Slimes?

<What Yet May Be> Don't forget the shard he has hidden away somewhere. It's useless without that.

<Pidedis> You're going to use that?

<What Yet May Be> WE are going to use that.

<Pidedis> You've lost me.

<What Yet May Be> If Leandr could offer to merge with Lerris, I think I might be able to use it on the three of us.

<Pidedis> Where exactly did you get this crazy idea?

<What Yet May Be> You probably don't want to know.
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Lerris' Tent; Late Morning.

<Aide Common Slime> Sir! Sir! Pandora's Box! It's been stolen!

<Hunter Lerris> Do gift wrap that for me, will you? ::turns over in his sleep::

<Aide Common Slime> He's asleep? ::anime sweatdrop:: Look, Sir, you have to get up! This is an emergency.

<Hunter Lerris> I wish I could be a little birdie, Mr. Carp. Can you grant my wish?

<Aide Common Slime> How can he sleep at a time like this! I bet he's missed breakfast.

<Hunter Lerris> Wha? Breakfast?

<Aide Common Slime> ::anime sweatdrop:: Sir, Pandora's Box has been stolen.

<Hunter Lerris> What? How? By whom?

<Aide Common Slime> I don't know, Sir. We never saw what hit us.

<Hunter Lerris> 20 guards taken out and none of you saw what hit you?

<Aide Common Slime> No, Sir.

<Hunter Lerris> You've got to be kidding me.
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , What Yet May Be's Tent; Late Morning.

<Pidedis> I haven't destroyed so many Slimes in I don't know how long! That felt great!

<What Yet May Be> Calm down, Slime girl. We still have to get that shard for this to work.

<Pidedis> I can take care of that easily.

<Wyran> You're going to get it from Lerris using your feminine wiles?

<Pidedis> Of course not! Lerris hasn't hidden anything in his life that I couldn't find.

<Wyran> Oh?

<Pidedis> Just wait. You'll see.
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Commons Tent; Late Morning.

<Hunter Lerris> Reopen that kitchen this instant!

<Joc> ::sticks his tongue out:: Sorry. We officially stopped serving our breakfast menu half an hour ago.

<Hunter Lerris> I demand you reopen that kitchen. I pay for that food. Open it at once!

<Joc> Breakfast ended at 10:30 . No exceptions.

<Hunter Lerris> I'll give you an exception! I'll get my staffblade and thrash you into a Light Pudding!

<Joc> Just try it.

<Hunter Lerris> Watch me! I'll whip you so soundly that they'll have to add raisins!

<Joc> My, your insults are terribly on an empty stomach.

<Hunter Lerris> You-- you-- you-- ::digs for a decent insult::

<Ops Ice Ghost> ::clears her throat:: Excuse me, Lerris?

<Hunter Lerris> Yes? What do you need?

<Ops Ice Ghost> I couldn't help but over hear your predicament. I have a little stash of snacks in my tent and I was wondering if you'd care to... ::blushes::

<Hunter Lerris> (taken back) Oh.... Thank you.
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Lerris' Tent; Late Morning.

<Pidedis> Smell the pretty crystal. That's right. Get a great big whiff. Who's the world's best finder? Who's the world's best finder? You are! That's right. Find that crystal!

<Common Dog> This is so demeaning.

<Pidedis> If I wanted a commentary, I would have asked for one. Just find that stupid shard.

<Common Dog> Lerris isn't going to like this if he finds out...

<Pidedis> Worry about that after you worry about me not killing you right now.

<Common Dog> .... Woof. ::starts sniffing::
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Sikaf's Tent; Late Morning.

<Hunter Lerris> Please. I couldn't. What would the others think?

<Ops Ice Ghost> Come on. It's just once. And once can't hurt.

<Hunter Lerris> I don't know... I'm not sure I'm comfortable with.. well...

<Ops Ice Ghost> Don't be such a prude, Lerris!

<Hunter Lerris> But what if they found out?

<Ops Ice Ghost> They won't. Don't worry, Lerris. What they don't know can't hurt them.

<Hunter Lerris> I.. I don't know if I'm ready.

<Ops Ice Ghost> Come on, Lerris. Just eat the stupid chocolate covered ants!

<Hunter Lerris> Alright. I'll do it. ::scoops up a handful and eats them::

<Ops Ice Ghost> What do you think?

<Hunter Lerris> Very crunchy. You're right. They are good.

<Ops Ice Ghost> See?

<Hunter Lerris> If anyone ever finds out I ate bugs...

<Ops Ice Ghost> Stop worrying. They won't.

<Hunter Lerris> Alright. Thanks for the munchies. They'll definitely tide me over until lunch.

<Ops Ice Ghost> Don't mention it. Feel free to stop by anytime.

<Hunter Lerris> I just might do that. See you around! ::turns and exits::

<Ops Ice Ghost> (whispered) Please do.
Don't try this at home.NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , What Yet May Be's Tent; Afternoon. <???> I can't believe it worked.

<???> Neither can I.

<???> Let's go test this body out!
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Kitchen Tent; Afternoon.

<???> Joc.

<Joc> Yes? Who's calling my... Holy Kitty Nibbles! What is that thing??!

<???> I'm your worst nightmare.

<Joc> You don't look like Lerris in a skirt....

??? attacks Joc with Bigsby's Mighty Punch....
172 damage!

<Joc> That wasn't so bad.

??? attacks Joc with Psychic Judgment...
347 damage!
??? was victorious!

<???> Next stop, Nemesis.
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , What Yet May Be's Tent; Afternoon.

<??> What do you mean we're stuck?

<???> I mean I can't get it to unmerge.

<???> Look, little Ms. Champion, you got us into this, so you'd better be able to get us out.

<???> Just calm down, Pidedis.

<???> Don't you "just calm down" me, Wyran. We're stuck like this!

<???> I guess this means Lerris doesn't have to choose between us anymore...

<???> This isn't the time for jokes, Wyran.

<???> And what would you suggest instead, Pidedis?

<???> Getting the heck out of this body, for starters.

<???> Look, Pidedis, I would if I could. I guess we're stuck like this. We'll just have to wait for Nemesis to show up.

<???> You know how much I hate waiting.

<???> I also know you hate losing even more.
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Lerris' Tent; Evening. <Hunter Lerris> I've had a wonderful time. Thank you.

<Ops Ice Ghost> It was nothing.

<Hunter Lerris> Well, all the same, thank you.

<Ops Ice Ghost> Maybe we can do this again.

<Hunter Lerris> I hope so. Soon.

<Ops Ice Ghost> Good night.

<Hunter Lerris> Good night.

Content pause. <Hunter Lerris> Hey! A shooting star! Make a wish.

<Ops Ice Ghost> I wish...

<Hunter Lerris> Hey! It's getting bigger!

<Ops Ice Ghost> No! Lerris! Run!

<Hunter Lerris> Where? From what?

<Ops Ice Ghost> Lerris, if you trust me at all, you will run now, while you can, as far away as you can.

<Hunter Lerris> ::nods weakly and starts running:: I'm gone.

<Ops Ice Ghost> Pidedis! Wyran! What Yet May Be! It's coming!!!!!!!
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , What Yet May Be's Tent; Evening.

<???> Sounds like show time.

<???> But who knows it's Nemesis?

<???> We'll just have to find out. Let's get us a Seed of Evil.
The Void; where time is immaterial.

<Wyran> We got beat down hard.

<Pidedis> Tell me about it. The plus side is we're back to being separate.

<Wyran> But we still got mowed. And then Nemesis got Lerris in the end.

<Pidedis> How can you be sure?

<Wyran> Why else would we be here?

<What Yet May Be> I wish I knew who it was that called us.

<Pidedis> Little good it did them.

<Wyran> They tried. Same as us.

<What Yet May Be> Same as us.....

<Wyran> What's the plan, then?

<What Yet May Be> I'm beginning to think this is hopeless.

<Pidedis> Then the least we can do is try and live it up a bit.

<What Yet May Be> How can you say that? We have to find a solution!

<Pidedis> What if there isn't a solution? And agonizing over it isn't helping. The least we can do is make is last moments happy.

<What Yet May Be> We've tried this bit before, remember? "Let's all be nice to Lerris"?

<Pidedis> Your idea, if I remember. And this time we're not looking for a solution.

<What Yet May Be> What is the point then?

<Pidedis> Stall for time. See if we can escape Nemesis.

<What Yet May Be> It won't work.

<Pidedis> Most likely not.

<Wyran> But it's the best idea we've got right now.
Digital Tokyo , MP3 District, Grayling's Karaoke and Grill; Evening.

<Pidedis> I still don't see why she came along.

<Wyran> Come on, Pidedis. You didn't say she couldn't.

<Pidedis> Yeah, well I thought the "friend" that was coming along was Berokuko.

<Wyran> Who hitched a ride anyway.

<Pidedis> I thought the Ice Ghost and him were a one time freak occurrence.

<Wyran> As did we all.

<Pidedis> But at least he's enjoying himself.

<Wyran> Unlike two people I could name.

<Pidedis> Guilty as charged. It's just... I'd hoped...

<Wyran> I know. But it's his choice.

<Pidedis> Any sign of What Yet May Be enjoying herself?

<Wyran> Nope. It would be the first time, wouldn't it?

<Pidedis> True enough. Think we'll make it?

<Wyran> You never know.
< ******************************************
The Void; were time is immaterial.

<Wyran> Well, it was a good try.

<Pidedis> Tokyo got almost as trashed as Lerris.

<What Yet May Be> Both seem to be rather accident prone.

<Pidedis> But did you see that? He almost won.

<What Yet May Be> Almost isn't close enough.

<Pidedis> And what was with that Ice Ghost?

<Wyran> I don't know, but we need a new plan.

<Pidedis> What is Nemesis after?

<What Yet May Be> Off hand, I'd say Lerris.

<Pidedis> Are you so sure?

<What Yet May Be> What makes you believe otherwise?

<Pidedis> Lerris is always getting in the way. How many times has he gotten killed on his own? He's always running in on a battle. Take the karaoke place, for example. He was fine until he decided to save the sushi bar from Nemesis.

<What Yet May Be> Not his brightest moment.

<Wyran> Does he carry that stick with him everywhere? I didn't think he was armed.

<Pidedis> Yeah. Then he whips out his staffblade and starts wailing on Nemesis.

<What Yet may Be> Until Nemesis starts wailing back.

<Pidedis> And then they wail back and forth across the karaoke place.

<Wyran> I know the end of the story! Tokyo (not to mention the karaoke place) are trashed and Lerris is dead again. So we're here and a rather battered Nemesis staggers off into the distance.

<What Yet May Be> Pidedis, before we hit that little story time, tell me, what was your point?

<Pidedis> It seems like Nemesis is attacking at random, almost a mindless force of destruction.

<What Yet May Be> That's not what the official dispatch said about it...

<Pidedis> Well, it just seems like one of us is just as good as any other in Nemesis' eyes.

<What Yet May Be> Which means....?

<Pidedis> Let's make the choice for it. We'll draw straws. Short straw goes up against Nemesis. No volunteers. We don't need heroes on our consciences.
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Lerris' Tent; Morning.

<Pidedis> Alright. Do you have the straws, Wyran?

<Wyran> I've got them.

<Pidedis> Everybody ready, then?

<Ops Ice Ghost> Wait! I want to know how we can stop that thing.

<What Yet May Be> You know?

<Ops Ice Ghost> At first, I thought it was all a repeating bad dream..

<Wyran> As did we all.

<Pidedis> We're drawing straws. Short straw gets to play sacrifice to Nemesis.

<Ops Ice Ghost> .... I'm in.

The straws are drawn.
<Ops Ice Ghost> .... When does Nemesis arrive?
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Training Grounds; Evening.

<What Yet May Be> Getting tired, Lerris?

<Hunter Lerris> Yes. We've been training since you threw me out of my tent this morning.

<What Yet May Be> You could use it far more often.

<Hunter Lerris> The sun set an hour ago. Can we stop yet?

<What Yet May Be> Sorry, fluffy boy. We're not done yet.

<Hunter Lerris> When will we be done?

<Pidedis> When a certain someone gets here.

<Hunter Lerris> Oh? Who's coming?

<Wyran> You might call them an old friend.

<Hunter Lerris> So she's coming today? I got her note last week. I didn't think she'd be here so soon.

<What Yet May Be> (stunned) She?

<Hunter Lerris> You mean we're not waiting for Deneb?

<What Yet May Be> (darkly) You said she wasn't going to come back to haunt me.

<Hunter Lerris> I did, didn't... Wait a sec. I don't remember that.

<Pidedis> Care to fill the rest of us in on this "Deneb"?

<What Yet May Be> Wish I could.

<Wyran> Well, Lerris, it looks like you've got some explaining to do.

<Ops Ice Ghost> I'm afraid I'll have to agree.

<Hunter Lerris> What right do you have to that information?

<Wyran> Lerris! Sikaf, I'm very sorry about that. She has more right than you know, Lerris.

<Hunter Lerris> I hate it when you guys go over my head like this. What's going on?

<What Yet May Be> Our guest is arriving.
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Training Grounds; 5 seconds later.

<Hunter Lerris> Nooooo!!

<Wyran> Lerris, stop. Don't do anything stupid.

<Hunter Lerris> I wasn't going to do something stupid.

<Pidedis> You were too! You're always planning to do something stupid.

<Hunter Lerris> But she's getting killed out there.

<What Yet May Be> We know.

<Hunter Lerris> Then why don't you let me out there? What was all this stupid training?

<Wyran> We figured we'd keep you in one place and let it come to us.

<Hunter Lerris> And you knew this thing was coming?

<Wyran> ::nods:: This was the only way.

<Hunter Lerris> Says who? I wasn't consulted. I'm going to--

<Pidedis> No, you're not! Not after all the effort we've put--

<Hunter Lerris> Let me go!

<Wyran> Not on your life.

<Hunter Lerris> But it's my life, burn it!

<Wyran> Not any more. It hasn't been in a long time.
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Training Grounds; Evening.

<Hunter Lerris> She's dead! Flaming, stone dead!

<What Yet May Be> She knew what she was getting into.

<Hunter Lerris> What kind of cold-hearted justification is that?

<What Yet May Be> Can it Lerris. We figured it all out among ourselves.

<Hunter Lerris> Don't you understand? It wasn't your choice to make! IT WASN'T YOUR CHOICE!

<What Yet May Be> Lerris, shut up. We saved your lousy butt. Get over it.

<Hunter Lerris> Saved my lousy butt? What the heck is going on?

<Wyran> Should we tell him?

<Hunter Lerris> Should you tell me what?
The Void, where time is meaningless.

<Pidedis> I didn't think he'd do that.

<What Yet May Be> Alright... So it's my fault for telling him that the universe gets reset every time he dies. I'm sorry. I forgot we were on top of a cliff.

<Wyran> It was a long way down.......

<Ops Ice Ghost> Does this never end?

<Wyran> It looks like we get to do this until we do it right.

<Pidedis> You know how he said it wasn't our choice?

<What Yet May Be> Yeah, what about it?

<Pidedis> This whole thing hinges on him. Let's tell him and let him make the choice.

<What Yet May Be> This coming from the girl that gave us our last plan...

<Ops Ice Ghost> It sounds like it's worth a try. If we just keep trying, I think we'll eventually find something that works.

<What Yet May Be> I certainly hope so.
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Lerris' Tent; Morning.

<Wyran> Lerris, I need to talk to you. It's important.

<Hunter Lerris> Just as long as you don't forget the cheddar.

<Wyran> Lerris. Lerris... Breakfast.

<Hunter Lerris> Wha.. Breakfast?

<Wyran> Lerris, I've got a lot to tell you....
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau , Commons Tent; Morning.

<Hunter Lerris> So the missing rider of the apocalypse is showing up tonight, I've died half a dozen times, and there is no chance of me winning short of a legion of angels with 3 meter swords.

<Wyran> Yes.

<What Yet May Be> You got it.

<Pidedis> Uh huh.

<Ops Ice Ghost> Yes.


<Wyran> I think he's taking this very well, don't you?
NMRC Camp, Search Engine Sea , Sandy Plateau ; Evening.

<Hunter Lerris> Everyone packed up?

<What Yet May Be> I think so.

<Ops Ice Ghost> I've never seen the camp go down so quickly.

<Hunter Lerris> It's all in your skill in persuasion.

<Pidedis> Persuasion? After that insane panic number you did, they were packing up to get away from you as much as Nemesis.

<Hunter Lerris> Well... There is that. So.. Is this Nemesis thingy ever late?

<What Yet May Be> On occasion.

<hunter Lerris> Then let's kill some time....

Electric AppartitionSparkbringerSparkbringer
Element: Thunder
Combo: Ghost-Bird-Bird
Level: 50

<Hunter Lerris> No winners. That's today repeating itself too, isn't it?

<What Yet May Be> Yup. Here it comes.

<Hunter Lerris> Light, that's a big, scary sucker.

<Wyran> That's one way of putting it.

<Hunter Lerris> And I have absolutely no chance of winning, huh?

<What Yet May Be> Not in the slightest.

<Hunter Lerris> Alright. I've made up my mind.

<Pidedis> Great! How do we get rid of this thing?

<Hunter Lerris> EVERYBODY! READY!!!

<What Yet May Be> This had better be good.

<Hunter Lerris> SET!!!!

<Berokuko> Alright...

<Hunter Lerris> RETREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Pidedis> What?

<Hunter Lerris> I'd rather run than risk losing any of you.

<Ops Ice Ghost> ......

<Hunter Lerris> And don't stop running till we hit Cyberia!
Will this mean an escape from Nemesis?
What role will Deneb play in the next cycle?
What's in Cyberia?
Can Robert get away with any more anti-climatic endings?
Will this return to weekly status?
The answers to these and other intriguing questions in the next NML !!!